On Demand Classes → Woodworking

Carved Wood Wall Art

With the right tools and proper instruction, you can create a distinctive piece of DIY wood wall art. Use an angle grinder and power carve attachment to create your own wood wall art and turn that piece of scrap wood into a work of art.

Making your own Carved Wood Wall Art can seem intimidating but it’s really a lot easier than you may think. The experts at Family Handyman will show you how to use an angle grinder with power carving wheels to shape wood and create reliefs and contours with ease.

We will walk you through the steps to design, shape, finish and install your hand carved wall art. So, before you scrap that extra wood lying around, learn how to turn it into a customized piece of art - you can make yourself!

By the end of this course, you’ll know how to:

•Lay out a custom wood carving.

•Use angle grinders and rotary tools to shape the wood surface.

•Sand the carving and apply finish.

•Install a wall cleat and hang the carving.
  • Mobile App
  • Course Introduction
  • Carved Wood Wall Art
  • Course Completion and Next Steps
  • Congratulations!
Completion rules
  • You must complete the units "Carved Wood Wall Art, Course Completion and Next Steps, Congratulations!"
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever