On Demand Classes → Woodworking

Build a Trestle Table

Build a trestle table and matching benches that are meant to last with this online class. A trestle table makes a great addition to your dining room, kitchen, covered patio and more.

Often called a Viking table or trestle table because of the “trestle” that stretches to connect the legs, this heavy-duty table and bench will last a lifetime if properly built. Now you can learn how to build this dining table with professional guidance and project plans for this heavy-duty Viking table and matching Viking bench. You can easily shorten your trestle table or bench by modifying the dimensions given and build an oversized outdoor table or a trestle table sized for any kitchen. By removing two wedges and eight screws, you can even separate the legs, tabletop and trestle so you can store the table for the winter or move it to a different location.

The dining benches that accompany this table are built using the same building techniques and same basic template. Even if you are new to building furniture, the experts will walk you through the building techniques of this trestle style of furniture with the trestle bench. Use those same building techniques when building the trestle table and watch your furniture building skills grow.

By the time you finish this class, you'll know:

What a trestle is and how it makes a sturdy table and benches.
How to build a matching trestle bench that fits perfectly underneath the table.
What wood is best to use whether you are building an indoor or outdoor table.
Expert tips and techniques for building a professional looking trestle table and bench.

And much more!
  • Mobile App
  • Course Introduction
  • Build a Trestle Table
  • Course Completion and Next Steps
  • Congratulations!
Completion rules
  • You must complete the units "Course Completion and Next Steps, Congratulations!, Build a Trestle Table"
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever