On Demand Classes → Lawn and Garden

Build a Living Privacy Wall

Privacy, shade, color and a fresh herb garden—get it all with a privacy wall you can build yourself. Planter boxes and a drip irrigation system create an herb garden right outside your door.

If you have a ground-level deck or patio and would like a bit of privacy, it’s time to build a living wall. It can shield you from the neighbors, surround you with flowers and provide fresh herbs just steps away from your kitchen or grill. Custom planter boxes are easy to build, and a drip irrigation system provides automatic watering all summer long—no worries about missing a day of watering or losing all your plants when you go on vacation.

By the end of this course, you will know:

How to customize and construct a privacy wall
How to build planter boxes
Foolproof post-setting tips and techniques
How to build and add basic drip irrigation
Building tips from the experts!
  • Mobile App
  • Course Introduction
  • Build a Living Privacy Wall
  • Course Completion and Next Steps
  • Congratulations!
Completion rules
  • You must complete the units "Course Completion and Next Steps, Congratulations!, Build a Living Privacy Wall"
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever