Skills Workshops

Master the Router

Getting more serious about woodworking or just getting started? Looking to add a router to your power tools? Learn what you need to know to use, purchase and master the router in this workshop.

If you’re at all serious about woodworking or planning to be, you’ll eventually need a router. As you look to purchase one, there are many things to consider. In this course, you’ll learn about types of routers, how they work and what they can do. We'll review features to look for in a router and show you how to get started with your new router. Learn from the experts at Family Handyman as we share tips and tricks for more advanced routing projects, including how to use router tables and custom bases. We even show you how to build your own router table.

By the end of this course, you’ll know how to:

Shop for a new router and bits
Rout edges
Cut dadoes and rabbets
Cut curves and complex shapes
Make and use a custom router base
Use a router table
  • Mobile App
  • Course Introduction
  • Master the Router
  • Skills Workshop Completion
  • Congratulations!
Completion rules
  • You must complete the units "Skills Workshop Completion, Congratulations!, Master the Router"
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever